Online Experiential and Experimental Learning with IELS
Earn futuristic ability
To Boost Up Your CV.
Experience 1
Learning by doing
Just do it and learn from it
Case studies
Start up now!
Experience 2
Start Something New
Starting something new before the end of your actual schools days
Pioneering within
Permanent education
Experience 3
New forms of selling
How to use online resources to boost your business
Experimental Learning
Experience 4
Organic growth
Enhance your milieu using the social media environment
Social Media Experimental Learning
Permanent Education
View Course
Experience 5
Strategic thinking
Permanent Education
How to build an organic and sustainable business strategy using limited resources
Permanent education and experimental learning
Experience 6
How to be true to your Successful-self Online and Offline
Sustainable Personal and Business development
How to build a team and Launch a Business Online
Permanent Education

With 27 years of coaching, I helped grow over 3500 individuals and groups. In the constantly changing field of personal and business development, it is my mission to provide young individuals and small businesses with the right attitude and mindfulness to master the “how to drive their personal and business endeavours to growth” in a true to them and sustainable way. Made for happiness!
Why My way
Grow your knowledge and learn to stay sustainable & true to yourseLF
100% free of charge
Up to when it is good for everyone involved
Trusted Knowledge
40 years of observation and in-filed research
Anytime, Anywhere
This it the ultimate Virtual Experience
Some Feedbacks
What people are saying
"Dan organises some of the best educational experiences! His coaching style is approachable and I've learned a lot thanks to his availability over the years.”

“Working with Dan has been a fantastic experience. He was committed to helping us accomplish our goals. We saw an immediate effect on our willingness to start up and succeed.”

“Dan is futuristic, charismatic and insightful! He has a lot of experience and shares his time freely.”

“Dan provided valuable coaching that our attendees could apply to their own endeavours, so they were able to grow their learning and increase effectiveness.”